Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.

ESL Prayer & Planning Meeting
We will be gathering to pray and plan next steps for our ESL Program.
FOR MORE INFO, EMAIL michelle@allsoulscommunity.com
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Soul Youth Spring Retreat
This weekend our Soul Youth will be at Lake Champion pursuing deeper relationships with the Lord and with each other. As a church family, let us pray for God’s love and power to move in our youth in a life-giving way.

Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.

Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.

Palm Sunday
It’s Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week. Join us at 10am for Sunday Worship in person or online! We look forward to seeing you.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Passover Seder
Join us for a meal of special significance—a symbolic retelling of the story of Passover--the exodus from Egypt. We’ll enjoy a catered dinner together afterward. Sign up here! Also, volunteers are needed to help with the Seder. Sign up to volunteer here!

Good Friday Service
We invite you to join in a day of fasting and prayer for Good Friday. Download the prayer guide here. Join us at 6:30PM for a service recounting the steps of Christ toward his darkest. moments, in love.

Easter Sunday
He is Risen! Join us for Easter Sunday as we celebrate our Risen King! Service starts 10AM.

All Souls Kids Easter Egg Hunt
All Souls Kids are invited to an egg hunt in the backyard, following the service!
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Worship and Prayer Night
Join us for an evening of prayer as we seek God’s heart in together.

Women's Gathering
All Souls Women, you are invited to a gathering from 9:30am-11:30am. It will be a time of refreshing and encouragement together!
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Sheepdog Training Meeting
All of our current and aspiring leaders are invited to attend this bi-monthly training, aimed at equipping, encouraging, and growing together with those whom God has called to help lead our church.
This month, we will be taking a deep dive into the reality of God's Bigger Story and our particular part in that story. Come join us and let's grow together!

Men's Group Yard Sale
All Souls Men (Middle School Age and up) ~ Instead of our usual breakfast gathering, we are planning to put together a yard sale at the church. We would love for you to join us! We hope to see you there. More details to come.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Worship and Prayer Night
Join us for an evening of prayer as we seek God’s heart in together.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Wellspring Informational & Team Meeting
Wellspring has been a powerful discipleship program that our All Souls Family has been participating in and experiencing incredible healing and growth. If you are interested in learning more about this program, please join us in the Lounge/Quiet Room directly after the worship service to hear testimonies and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.

Men's Breakfast
All Souls Men (Middle School Age and up) ~ Join us for breakfast and fellowship! We hope to see you there. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall.Please sign up here or at the Welcome Center.

Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Lenten Lord’s Supper Services
Announcing the launch of our new Sunday worship service during the Lenten Season. This will be a shorter, more contemplative service, with a focus on the celebration of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. These services will begin on March 2 and run through April 13.

Worship and Prayer Night
Join us for an evening of prayer as we seek God’s heart in together.

Soul Youth Life Fundraiser Dinner
Want a fun evening with delicious dinner, live music, and a fun trivia competition? Come out on Sunday, Feb 23rd and support our students raising funds to go to the LIFE Conference this July. For more information and to buy tickets CLICK HERE

ESL Prayer & Planning Meeting
We will be gathering to pray and plan next steps for our ESL Program.
FOR MORE INFO, EMAIL michelle@allsoulscommunity.com

Women's Gathering
Our Women's Fellowship is hosting a craft & crochet event to make little crochet lambs and an assortment of bracelets to sell at the LIFE Fundraiser Dinner. With Easter around the corner, gifting these crafty creations will be an easy way to share the love and truth of our Jesus with a neighbor or friend. All proceeds will help our teens attend the LIFE conference this Summer. Ladies 5 years old and up are welcome to join the fun.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Willows Worship Service
All Souls Mercy Team led Worship Service at the Willows Rehabilitation Center

Next Steps Class
Our next steps class is an opportunity to discover more about who we are, what we believe, and how you can connect, grow and serve. Join us at 7PM on Zoom.

If you are newer to the faith or to All Souls, or if you'd like to be equipped in how to share Jesus with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, we invite you to join our Foundations Class. There will also be a link for a livestream of this event under Resources on our website.
Soul Youth Lunch
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Men's Breakfast
All Souls Men (Middle School Age and up) ~ Join us for breakfast and fellowship! We hope to see you there. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall. Please sign up here or at the Welcome Center.

Night to Shine
All Souls wants to get the word out that Night to Shine 2025 is here - An unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. Volunteers from All Souls have participated in this incredible evening over the past several years. This special event will be held on February 7, 2025, at Bethany Community Center, in Washington Township, NJ. Click here to register a guest or to volunteer!
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Chili Cook-Off
All are invited to our Chili Cook-off! Bring your winning recipe, a side, or dessert and join us after the service for a fun time of fellowship. Register Here!

Worship and Prayer Night
Join us for an evening of prayer as we seek God’s heart in together.
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Women's Gathering
All Souls Women, you are invited to a gathering on January 25 from 9:30am-11:30am. It will be a time of refreshing and encouragement together!
Soul Youth
Middle School and High School Students~ Soul Youth meets at the church from 6-8pm. Join the fun and tell your friends. See you there!

Sheepdog Training Meeting
All of our current and aspiring leaders are invited to attend this bi-monthly training, aimed at equipping, encouraging, and growing together with those whom God has called to help lead our church.
This month, we will be taking a deep dive into the reality of God's Bigger Story and our particular part in that story. Come join us and let's grow together!