I was glad when they said unto me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1
All Souls Kids is a fun, safe, and age appropriate environment where kids can learn about the love of Jesus. We engage with the kids through bible lessons and hands-on activities. We are here to partner with parents, to teach kids about following Jesus.
Quiet Room
Our Quiet Room is video-linked to the sanctuary and provides a comfortable space for you to be a part of the service even as you care for your active little one.
The Quiet Room is located in the back of the sanctuary, next to our Welcome Center.
All Souls Kids Age 1-Grade 4
Please check-in your family in the side sanctuary when you arrive. Children will receive a name tag. We all begin together with worship in the sanctuary. Just before the sermon, kids will be dismissed to age appropriate instruction.
There will be a bible lesson, crafts, and directed games. Please pick up your children from their classroom immediately following the service.
5th & 6th Grade Discipleship Class
During the sermon, 5th and 6th Graders will meet in the Purple Room, located in the children’s wing. The class will cover foundations of faith in Christ.
For more information email: kids@allsoulscommunity.com
A Safe Environment
Hand washing is encouraged and toys are sanitized after use.
We require a background check of all adults caring for our children, and maintain a low adult-child ratio.
We strive to be allergy-friendly: we do not serve food or snacks, use food for crafts, or give food as prizes.
All Souls Kids Online:
Click the links below to connect with us online:
YouTube Channel
Big Ideas for Kids, Campfire stories, Simple story time
Facebook Group
If you are an All Souls parent, you may request to join our All Souls Kids group from our All Souls Community Church Facebook page.
Please let us know if you have any questions.