Global Missions
You will receive power from the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (at home), in Judea (our surrounding neighborhoods), Samaria (serving the marginalized), and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
All Souls Community Church is committed to seeing the gospel of Jesus shared around the world through our congregation and through our ministry partners abroad. Here are the bios of some of the brothers and sisters that we are walking with in prayer, through financial support, and in the bonds of relationship.
We will share regularly about our global partners through our webpage and in the All Souls newsletter.
If you would like to be involved with our global missions committee, please contact us.
COMMIT Nepal is working among exploited women and girls, providing services that address their physical, social, economic, educational, and spiritual needs. Their work is a holistic ministry that also provides advocacy for land ownership, public services, human rights, justice, and dignity of the Badi and other marginalized communities.
All Souls has been in partnership with our friends in Kumasi for almost a decade. One of our friends is Joseph, a graduate student in economics, who is partnering with All Souls Community to help provide for the educational and medical needs of other young people aging out of orphanages in Kumasi.
We invite you to pray for our partners and join in the work God is doing globally.
Here are some great resources to help you pray:
PrayerCast: www.prayercast.com
Operation World: operationworld.org
Joshua Project: joshuaproject.net